
Posts Tagged ‘NJ Marathon’

I’ve been running, but not blogging; will try to catch up over the next several days. This past Saturday, I decided to drive to Push to Walk from home, run my 8 miles, and drive back home. It’s nice and flat around Push to Walk, not hilly like at home. When I arrived at Push to Walk, I went in to say hello to our client, Richard, who was working out with Mike. Richard told me the fantastic news that he and wife are expecting their first child. How exciting!! That news was enough to get me started on my run in a very upbeat mood, and I must say it kept me going the whole way!

Richard travels quite a distance from Connecticut to come to Push to Walk every Saturday. While living in NJ, it was a little easier, but he didn’t live close then either. Once he moved, he took a break from coming, but is now back. We’re glad to have him working out with us again, and it’s always a pleasure to see him. Thinking about him, his wife, and their little one on the way kept my mind occupied for the hour and a half run.

You can read more about Richard’s story on our website: www.pushtowalknj.org/clients/testimonials.htm

I have to say the eight miles went very well, and I felt good throughout the run. I was running on safe streets, either with sidewalks or not much traffic, so that was less a worry than recent routes I’ve taken which were a bit more dangerous. Still figuring out what my route will be this weekend when I have to run 16 miles. Yikes! I am nervous for this one!

I’ve done my strengthening workouts now several times, and I am still working hard to keep good form. I know that is so important in strengthening. I’ve started to feel muscles that haven’t been used in awhile (thanks, Cheryl!), and am hoping this will be enough to pay off on marathon day – Sunday May 1 in Long Branch at the NJ Marathon. I hope you’ll check out the event on our website! There are things going on for three days: April 29 and 30, and May 1st is the actual race. But there’s a bunch of events on Saturday, geared to families and kids. Check it out! I hope you’ll join us!

I’ll catch up with my blogs and my runs for the last few days. I’m feeling good, but a little nervous to run 16 miles in just a few days. Help me to hang in there! I’d love to hear from you!


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Wow, it’s already Friday? I just realized I haven’t blogged all week. Shame on me! The first of the month is always busy with invoices and paying bills, but somehow it seemed even more busy than usual this month. Oh well, no sense fretting over it. Just gotta get back to blogging!

After my 14 mile run last Saturday, this was a fairly easy week. I played tennis as one of my cross training days, managed to squeeze in three strengthening workouts, and rode the bike today. The other days were short runs, on the treadmill, of course, very early in the morning. This Saturday, I’ll be running “only” 8 miles. Yay!

I met with a close friend who is also a personal trainer, and she set me up with two different strengthening workouts. I will alternate between the two, and really need to do at least two sessions per week. Most weeks, I think I can do three sessions, so that will be even better. The more I read about endurance and making it to the finish line, the more I realize I need to be stronger. I didn’t do this in any of my previous events (one full marathon and two half’s), but now I’m three years older than my last marathon. I need all the help I can get! And even with only 30 minutes apiece, I work up a sweat following the program that Cheryl designed for me. I probably should have started this routine earlier in my training, but hopefully “better late than never” will hold true.

I am feeling good about my run tomorrow; looking forward to warmer weather. Forecast is high 40’s to low 50’s and that will be welcomed after so many cold days of running outside. I’ll also be gearing up to send out my sponsorship info, so be on the lookout soon! I have a goal of raising $500 for Push to Walk by running the NJ Marathon on May 1st – I hope you’ll help me help more people with spinal cord injuries!

Enjoy the weekend, and I’ll check in after my run – I promise!


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Hi Everyone,

I’m back from a wonderful week of skiing at Jackson Hole, and am ready to write again. Sorry for the lapse. While on my ski vacation, I did manage to keep up with my training pretty well. I ran twice and rode the exercise bike once. I was huffing and puffing with the high altitude, but I finished my runs as scheduled. We got back Saturday night, and I did my long run for the week on Sunday, which throws off my schedule a bit, but luckily it was only 6 miles this week. This coming Saturday I need to run 14 miles, and I am hoping, hoping, hoping I can do it outside!

I have continued to follow the “Marathoning for Mortals” program, but have decided to add a strengthing component to my weekly routine. It will not be easy to add yet another thing to my mornings, but I am getting very worried that I am not going to be strong enough thru these next two months of training to make the entire distance. And now, with all that is invested in this event, I want to do everything I can to make sure I am successful. So that will start in the next few days, and I am very excited about it!

In case you don’t know, Team Push to Walk will be participating in the NJ Marathon and Half Marathon on May 1 in Long Branch. If you’d like to support me, or any other members of our team, please visit our website where you can check out everyone who has joined and support us in our efforts: www.pushtowalknj.org. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know! We have about 25 people registered so far, and we’d love to have more!

This week, I’ll get back to dedicating my runs for Push to Walk clients and other people with spinal cord injuries. Being away for a week is always a good thing – enjoying time with my husband, being with friends, making new friends – it’s a good way to recharge the batteries and get new perspectives on things. New friends we met have a granddaughter with progeria, a very rare, fatal disease of accelerated aging in children. Learning about this little girl, her family and their efforts in getting involved with the Progeria Research Foundation was a real eye opener. Living in the world of spinal cord injury can become all-consuming at times, but it is important to remember there are lots of other people out there dealing with their own devastating, challenging situations. Check out www.teamzoey.com and www.progeriaresearch.org to learn more about little Zoey and this disease.

Stay tuned for more client stories – I’ll be writing soon!


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