
Posts Tagged ‘biomechanics’

Hello Everyone!

The quote from William Butler Yeats “there are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet met” came to mind when I had the pleasure of meeting Tobin Osusky for the first time last week. How have we not met before?? But after meeting him, it seems like I’ve known him a long time. Thank you to a mutual connection for introducing us to each other!

Tobin survived a horrific car accident, overcoming many many challenges that tested his physical, mental and spiritual limits. He found a way to stretch those limits, go beyond them and achieve goals others thought he’d never make. But any doubts from others seemed to super-charge his resolve, and because of his accomplishments, he is now giving back to others.

Tobin’s story can be found here, on the website of his gym and personal training studio, Temple Qinesis in Pompton Lakes, NJ at  https://www.templeqinesis.com/teamtq/

I really like the synergy between Tobin’s mission in life and Push to Walk. Especially the mindfulness component which is so vital to the training at Push to Walk and the clients we serve. Our trainers strive to incorporate mindfulness and visualization into the physical aspects of each workout, much like Tobin does with his clients.

According to Temple Qinesis’ website, it says “Our program teaches an integration of mind, biomechanics, emotions, nutrition and life-force energy.” Sounds pretty awesome to me, and an approach I’d like to follow myself! Read more at https://www.templeqinesis.com/about/.

For those of you who are familiar with Push to Walk’s philosophy, program and trainers, I am sure you will see the connection between us and Tobin. Hopefully you will witness some type of partnership in the near future between our respective organizations, all to benefit not only more people, but to affect those we do work with even more deeply.

Thank you, Tobin, and I look forward to a successful collaboration of some sort in the future!


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